Almost 19 or almost 20 weeks pregnant depending on whether you belive the doctor's office or the ultrasound people - at any rate - this is me. Not pretty pictures. It was the end of a long day and I was on my way to the gym. But, I figure I might as well share. Today, a woman at work told me she couldn't believe how I all of a sudden got big, that it looked like I was having twins and that she was 6 months pregnant before she looked like this - nice. The black is a bit slimming; I'll admit that in the gray sweater I had on at work I did look kind of giant. Either it will go like this in fits and starts and I'll have "growth spurts" along the way where I just sort of "pop out" more or I'll just become as big as a house by June. I feel that these are my options. I'll try to track the progress unless my double chins become too much and I can't abide photographs - or maybe we'll just do from the chins down. It's all excitment. The bean (that's what we call it) didn't give me heartburn too bad today so all is well. We're almost halfway there and we wait to can't meet the bean! (We should find out for sure next week if it's a boy bean or a girl bean!)

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