eighth blackbird at The Toby

The Ensemble Music Society welcomed the grammy-award winning group eighth blackbird to the Indianapolis Museum of Art's Toby Theater. Mary and Carson were able to go with us and Carson (who plays violin) was able to meet the violinist Matt Albert.

Julian Being Entertained

Jules LOVES his brother and sister. This first picture is from a recent breakfast - Julian finds Patrick endlessly fascinating though admittedly Maggie is the superstar with him (Maggie says she's the equivalent to Julian of Justin Bieber to a 10 year old girl). Julian also showed off his new hat while waiting for a brunch table at Patachou. Our friend Andrea loved the hat (though Greg is threatening that it might get "lost" while I'm at work...he's not as big a fan of baby hat fashion.)

Lexington Fun

Jelly Bean's Fun Times

Our awesome neighbors are so great about letting us borrow big, plastic baby things that they aren't currently using so we don't have to buy them. Julian recently was the proud recipient of a borrowed exersaucer thing from the Krueger-Betley clan and a johnny jump up type thing from the Hagan's. He loves them both!

Maggie Gets New Glasses (cool hipster ones!)