Day after Christmas...

we couldn't get many smiles captured on camera out of JGBB yesterday so we took a few pics this morning...

Christmas 2010

Julian's first Christmas! It felt like our best ever. Everybody got some good gifts, but best of all we spent time together and with our great friends and we ate lots of sweets (except Julian of course, but thankfully he doesn't know what he's missing yet!) We also got to Skype with family which is so nice - it's not the same as being together, but it's better than nothin'.

JGBB loves his playmat

He sure loves his playmat, but sometimes he even surprises himself with what happens while he's down there. He kind of hates tummy time, but here's a rare glimpse of him actually enjoying it for a moment.

Lexington Visit

We had a great time visiting with Grandmother, Granddad and Uncle Brian in Lexington. It was relaxing and fun.

The Bean and Uncle Vess

Megan and Vess took me and the Bean out for ice cream and Megan took this nice picture of my huge baby and his Uncle Vess. Thanks guys!

The HUGE Belly

not a flattering picture - no makeup, dirty hair, and a double-chin, BUT this is probably the last time we'll remember to take a belly picture - this one is from 37.5 weeks - getting close! (I have to be, right? how much bigger could he get!) :)

Baby Briggs Buchanan's Room Is Almost Done

We're getting there. We just need the changing pad, a lamp, a few photos and that kind of thing and we'll be ready to go! (Okay, we would probably be ready to go without half this stuff, but still...) At first, when Greg suggested leaving that huge bed in the baby's room I thought it was a crazy idea, but now I see that until he needs the room for toys and bigger kid stuff it will be a nice place to play with him and maybe for mom or dad to take a cat nap IF he isn't the most perfect sleeper ever (which of course he will be!) Greg's mom gave us some great 'artwork' from when Greg was a little boy - I think it's awesome! Notice how he writes his n's backwards - adorable! The picture by the crib is a great drawing from sister of a picture of me from when I was little so we have a bit of nostalgia. We got the horse sculpture at an antique store in Fairhope, AL - it's Man of War - a famous Kentucky race horse. We can't wait for him to arrive to use this room!! It's also great that we have so many new books from friends, but also books that belonged to Maggie and Patrick when they were little.

Marin/Mr. Mustard

More pics of Marin from her trip to Indianapolis.. Marin LOVED Patrick and really only wanted to talk to him. She was fun in the mornings and liked to sit up on the tall chairs and chat about how she wanted to "watcha mobie" - so we obliged and she watched a few movies while she was here. Also, Mr. Mustard found one baby item (the bouncy seat) that he REALLY likes...I fear the baby might not get to use it if he has his way!

Marin, Ada and Melin Visit Indy!

We had such a fun visit with Marin, Ada and Melin. Marin was hilarious and Ada was on the move the whole time (though we did have to barricade the stairs she wasn't nearly as persistent at trying to get up them as Marin had been when she was little!) We are glad they could be here for the baby shower!