Bel Canto

Here's Maggie before her first performance with the ICC choir Bel Canto (or at least the first one where she's wearing her fancy new uniform). We are so proud of Maggie and she LOVES it! She has so much fun learning the new music and going to rehearsals.

Maggie is 13 today!

We can't believe it! A teenager lives in our house now! She is great. Fun sleepover party with friends and her Daddo made her favorite dinner of ribs and baked potatoes and I made the molten chocolate cake she loves. And of course, there were presents from friends and from us. Here she is showing off her new Uggs (which she is thinking about wearing to the Taylor Swift concert Thursday which was her big present.) She got electronics from her Mom (camera and new ipod Nano), not to mention the checks and cash that came from relatives from afar. All and all, a tremendous birthday and Maggie loved and appreciated it all. It felt a little bit much, but hey, she only becomes a teenager once!

Maggie and Patrick just hanging out...